Wednesday, April 9, 2008

and it begins. . .

so, i'm going home.


and im really trying to do it without feeling like a big fat failure.

its hard though, to not feel the defeat, when the school you hired to educate you fires you.

ahhhhh well, life lesson #1,297,563 learned.

in reflection of my time in colorado, i did make a lot of connections.

i have acquired dozens of friends whom i will keep for a long time.

and i have to admit that in and of itself is worth the grief it took to come.

i will miss the mountains, and if i could take the weather back with me, this might be the perfect situation.

colorado, i will miss you. . . friends and family gained, i will take you with me in my heart, and please keep me in yours as i endeavor a new beginning yet again.

my new beginning

my genesis.



Jessica Steed said...

I loOove your new blog!
Great template. I'm searching through others that I might use.
The way I see it, your loss is my gain ;)
I'm' excited to have you back home.
Hope things work out and let me know if I can help you get your application in by May 1!
love ya, sis.

Mortensen Family said...

Hello my long lost friend!! haha! I found your blog, and I was so excited!! so stop by mine and say hello, and let me know if I can add you to my friends list!!