Sunday, April 13, 2008


i dont know what came over me.

really, i don't

but it just sounded like a good idea.
and you know lately everything's just been so. . . malleable

so, today i started my retirement account.
partly inspired by mr mark's new blog, and partly due to the fact that moving seems to flex all the organizational muscle you have, i did it, and its a permanent thing.

and by permanent i mean like super glue permanent.


it went something like this:

i took the biggest glass bottle ive ever seen, the kind chicago deli's keep their pickle spears in, i took a screw driver to the top to create a slot, super glue to the lid to help me keep my spending impulses at bay, and a black sharpie to the front, which now reads:

'Tacy's Retirement'

then i dropped into it every spare penny, nickel, and dime that i came across in my unpacking/organizing spree.

all told ive got something to the tune of 4.39 saved, but for one day, thats not bad.

and hell, we've all gotta start somewhere.


Chelle said...

hey, that's good. i just barely started saving for retirement 2 years ago.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You should drop it off at the bank every year or so, or invest in some crazy MLM (whichever you feel is a better investment).

Just be sure to make your deposits away from Christmas or your birthday, those times are too tempting to splurge on yourself.

Jessica Steed said...

good for you!
I don't think I've looked that far ahead. but Mark has. thank heavens for him.